Short answer: No. Long answer: Noooooo. While many companies might be open to selling a domain name for the right price, Google’s domain is deeply integrated into their business strategy and operations. They would not consider selling it, regardless of the offer.
The timeframe to secure a domain depends on several factors, including the domain owner’s responsiveness, your timeframe, and budget considerations. Some transactions may be completed in 1-2 weeks, while others could take years. We’ll be with you every step of the way.
To identify the current owner of a domain, look up the Whois record for the domain. This record provides ownership details and may include contact information. If the Whois record is private and you’re having trouble finding the owner, we can assist with further research.
A domain broker facilitates transactions between buyers and sellers of domain names. At NamePoints, we act as buyer brokers, helping clients acquire domains at fair market prices.
We leverage established partnerships, advanced tools, and extensive research to locate hard-to-reach domain owners and facilitate the acquisition process.
Our success rate varies depending on the specific circumstances of each domain.
Contact us at [email protected] to schedule a call and discuss your needs.
No, we specialize in aftermarket domain name acquisitions. However, we can recommend reliable partners for domain registration.
Yes, we can assist with acquiring other types of digital assets. Reach out to us for more information.
Please contact us at [email protected] for further assistance.
Domain values can vary significantly. Contact us to discuss the specifics of your acquisition and get a tailored quote.
A common statement we hear is, “The domain name is not in use.” But what does "in use" actually mean? Consider the domain name LuxuryHotels.com, owned by Marriott. For years, it didn’t resolve to a website. Does that mean it wasn’t valuable? Absolutely not. The domain held significant value for Marriott, and the lack of resolution was likely due to internal decisions or simple oversight. Whether a domain name resolves to a website often has little to do with its value. Valid forms of "use" can include:
  • • Defensive Registrations
  • • Email (domains used only for email)
  • • Internal Resources
  • • IP Protection
  • • Name Servers

Thousands of valuable domains do not resolve, which doesn't make them less valuable. Contact us at [email protected] to discuss the right strategy for acquiring the domain name you want.

When a domain you want is expiring, it’s natural to think, “Great, I’ll register it when it expires.” Unfortunately, if the domain is valuable, your chances of securing it alone are slim. The domain name aftermarket is a billion-dollar industry, with companies and individuals investing heavily in technology to catch domains milliseconds after they become available. Many expired domains never make it to general availability, going directly to auction instead.

Factors that influence your chances of acquiring an expired domain include:

  • • The registrar where the domain is registered
  • • The technology you’re using to “catch” the domain
  • • The status of the domain

We use trusted third-party services for most transactions, our payment service is through Dan.com, a Godaddy company How long does it take to acquire a domain name?

The timeline for acquiring a domain name varies. While many acquisitions take only a few days once terms are agreed upon, others can take weeks or even months. Some domains have taken years to acquire—Elon Musk, for example, spent almost 11 years acquiring Tesla.com.

Factors that can affect the timing include:

  • • Who owns the domain name
  • • The number of domain owners
  • • Whether the domain is listed for sale
  • • How the owner uses the domain
  • • Whether the owner has email attached to the domain
  • • Who represents the owner
  • • The technical resources of the owner for transitioning current use

Contact us at [email protected] to learn more about our private domain name acquisition service.

The cost of a domain name depends on various unique factors specific to that domain. Automated appraisals and even comparable sales often provide little value. It’s best to speak to an expert. The first step is to contact us at [email protected].

The starting point for any domain name acquisition is knowing the domain name you wish to acquire. While we can discuss budgets, the acquisition process, and other elements, the domain name itself is the most critical piece of information.

Each transaction has unique factors such as:

  • • Who owns the domain name
  • • Why they own it
  • • When they acquired it
  • • How they use it
  • • What other IP is associated with the domain
  • • Any sentimental value
  • • How much they paid for it

Connect with us at [email protected] for a strategy recommendation. We are always happy to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

Pro Tip: Provide us with any backstory. The more we know, the better we can work for you.

A domain name buy service or domain name acquisition service, involves hiring a professional domain broker to acquire a domain name on your behalf. Engaging a domain broker is similar to hiring a real estate agent to buy a home or an architect to design one. Experienced domain brokers understand the nuances of acquiring a domain, including:

  • • Successful acquisition strategies
  • • Contractual needs
  • • Transitional questions
  • • Offer strategies

If you’re starting a new company, launching a new brand, or simply want to acquire a domain name for another reason, consider adding a domain name professional to your team. Contact us today at [email protected].

We have no set minimum budget requirement for domain name acquisitions. However, the budget must provide a reasonable chance of success. For example, attempting to acquire a one-word .com for $1,000 is unlikely to succeed. We typically provide a recommended budget based on the domain name’s profile, and you can decide whether to proceed.

Of course. We can provide a NDA or sign yours. We often work with brands years in advance of launching a product or service and are frequently part of the confidential naming process.
Yes. We work to ensure that the domain name(s) acquired are transferred to your preferred registrar. Most transactions allow for an immediate transfer, though some may take longer depending on factors such as:
  • The domain extension
  • Registrar policies
  • Registry policies

A registrar transfer delay will almost never prevent you from using the domain name or taking possession—it just means you may have to hold the domain at another registrar for a short time.

Transfer times vary depending on the registrar, extension, and the response time of the involved parties. A significant percentage of transfers associated with domain name acquisitions take less than a day. However, some transfers can take up to 5 days to complete.

Some buyers choose to accept an account change at the domain’s current registrar to expedite possession. While this can speed up the process, it can also result in an extended transfer lock period.

Contact us at [email protected] to discuss the domain name transfer details for your scenario.

If the domain you want is expiring, it’s natural to think, “I’ll register it when it expires.” However, if the domain is valuable, your chances of securing it on your own are slim. The domain name aftermarket is highly competitive, with significant investments in technology to catch domains milliseconds after they become available. Factors that influence your chances include:
  • The registrar where the domain is registered
  • The technology you’re using to catch the domain
  • The status of the domain
Every domain acquisition is unique. While some take only a few days, others may take weeks or even months. The timing depends on various factors, including domain ownership, the number of owners, and the current use of the domain.
We use trusted third-party escrow services for most transactions. The exact payment details depend on the terms of the acquisition.
Just because a domain isn’t in use doesn’t mean it’s not valuable. Many domains are used for email, defensive registrations, or other internal purposes.
Yes, most transactions allow for an immediate transfer to your preferred registrar, though some may take a little longer due to various factors.
No, we never charge an upfront fee to explore a domain name acquisition.